[email protected] ⯁ www.timetler.com
Major B.S. Computer Science
University of California, San Diego, 2010
Cofounder, Late 2013–Present
Frontend lead responsible for clientside pipeline, including performance, seo, build system, styles, interaction, monitoring, and usability.
Developed various sub products and sub systems such as chrome extensions, amp pages, micro services, and API servers.
Architected shared clientside and serverside page rendering stack using node.js and backbone with DOM view hydration.
Implemented backend features using express.js and postgres.
Full Stack Developer, 2011–2012
Worked on full web technology stack, using PHP, MySQL, prototype, and jQuery.
Created new feature pages with frontend and backend implementation.
Built a polished view for progressively loading very large finite lists.
Initiated frontend migration to backbone.
Internal Development Engineer Intern, 2010
Adopted and expanded utility of an internal project management webtool.
Designed new UI elements and administrative features using PHP, MySQL, jQuery, and YUI.
UCSD Psychology Department
Website and Experiment Programmer, 2008–2010
Created online psychology experiments powered by PHP and MySQL.
Developed and designed a lab website with easy to use management tools for updating the site.
HILTI (Construction Tools)
Software Design Intern, 2008
Developed and designed a prototype GUI for the next generation version of their anchor design software.
Prototype application was built in Visual Studio using C#, and a Microsoft Ribbon style API.
- OpenGL was used to create a 3D design environment to show off CAD features.
- Resulting application based on the prototype followed the GUI closely and went on to win design awards.
IGMA (UCSD Musical Analysis)
Software Programmer, 2007–2008
Developed and designed a multiplayer Flash game designed to collect research data from player input.
Programmed a socket server in Java which managed the games state and communicated with a Flash client using XML messages.
Personal Projects
Sub - Lightweight DOM emulation layer for node.js.
Rule - CSS selector based templating engine written in coffeescript.
Live cooperative drawing program using a java socket server and Flash client using bitwise instructions for low bandwidth usage.
Re-wrote the above program using node.js and canvas.
Java socket server implementation of the websocket protocol.
Flash and actionscript engines and games.
Other Skills
Cooking, Drawing, Tetris, Mario Kart